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Meet Our In-Store Pets

We have loads of furry, feathered, fishy and scaly friends that live with us in store in our Kinsealy Pet Store Zoo! They all love meeting new people and

Meet Our In-Store Pets

1. Coco.jpg

Well hello there good lookin'...
I'm Coco, the Grey African Parrot!

I've been living in Kinsealy Pet Store since about 2002.

I was rescused by these nice people when I was about 3 years old, and I couldn't be happier. I've made loads of friends here, and my family feed me with lots of seeds, nuts, and fruits - yum!!

Sometimes I get in trouble though because I like to mimick some of the nice people that come visit me, and sometimes use bad language - it's all in good fun though, and I love it when people pop into me for a chat.

Hello my lovessssss...
You can call me Puppy, and I'm a glorious bearded Dragon 

I've been a part of the Kinsealy Pet Store family for... oh, about six years now...

I adore being picked up with your warm claws and carried around on your chest like the royalty I am. My favourite food is locusts... say, you don't have any with you now, do you?!!!

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G'day mate!
My names Des the carpet python.

The beauties at Kinsealy Pet Store rescued me all them years ago.

As an Aussie, I'm pretty laidback and enjoy sitting in my tank and watching the world go by. I'm not a real fussy eater, but I do enjoy those succulent rats and mice - but be careful! If you put your hand in my tank I can get confused and think your fingers are lunch! So it's best to come say hello and keep your distance if you catch my drift...


We've been living at Kinsealy Pet Store for over 10 years and we LOVE it here!

We love meeting new people, finding out new things and making people laugh. Playtime is our favourite and we love to have an audience. We love eating insects and grubs, and we must say, being from the desert originally, this Irish weather is really fantastic! See you soon!!

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Did somebody say Cookie? That's me!! I'm a Kookaburra!

The funny people in Kinsealy Pet Store took me in in 2019 - and now this is home.

I don't understand why some people take life so seriously, so you'll always hear me laughing, cackling and chatting with the other animals. I think some of them think I talk too much, but what do they know?!

I'm not the fussiest of eaters, and can eat insects, mice, and even snakes! Dad said I'm not allowed in the snakes here though - our family here at Kinsealy are friends, not food!

Greetingsssss... my name's Jake the Albino Boa.

The nice people at Kinsealy brought me home to their pet store in Dublin over five long yearssss ago, and now I call it home. 

Oh, you want to know more about me?! I'm the stunner who is also an amazing cuddler. I recently moved house into a much grander enclosure and I must sssaaay, whoever did the interior is a genius! My favourite foods include, rats, mice... and I even have a few cousins that enjoy the odd deer!

...don't worry though, not you, dear.

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Whasssssuup?!! Sudsy the Sudanese Plated Lizard here!

Kinsealy is one of the coolest places i've ever lived!

I love to keep fit by chasing my grub (literally, have you ever tried grubs?! They're delicious! I love socialising too and being picked up by all the friendly visitors we get here in Kinsealy Pet Store. I can't wait to meet you!

I'm Draco the Mountain Horn Dragon - Delighted to meet you!

You'll have to look up to the sky to find me!!

I like to know what's going on, and what's what. Jumping on people's heads is also, a huge pastime of mine, so if you're coming to visit us at Kinsealy Pet Store, be sure to look up!

Bearded Dragon
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Well helooooo!! I'm Rosie the Gallah Cockatoo - nice to meet you!

I've been the most important part of the Kinsealy Pet Store family for over 10 years.

...I'm actually a boy, but Dad named me Rosie before he actually knew I was a boy (thanks Dad) but it doesn't really matter - I'm happy and healthy and have so many friends here at Kinsealy! I hope you like cuddles because I sure do! And if you come visit us here, you're guaranteed a big hug.

Woah, woah woah! Whats the story?! I'm Wiggles the Chincilla!

I've been part of the Kinsealy family since I was a child chinchilla. Speaking of which, do you have any almonds?!

Some people might be a bit scared of me because I'm a rodent, but don't worry new friend, I'm very gentle and just want to snuggle up next to you and get comfy - sound good?!

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